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A student-led group project from HIST 246

Movie Project

The movie group met yesterday with Jane at the Digital Media Center and she was very helpful.  Her main point was that we should get all of our pictures, music, video, etc. together, and make a storyboard.  Along with that we should write a script and then combine the two with their help.  She said it takes a long time to edit and so we are doing our best to get ahead of the game.

We split up the work between the four of us and I will focus on Dick Dowling’s life and the Battle of Sabine Pass which should comprise a minute and a half of the video, roughly.  We want the main focus of our video to be on the memory of Dick Dowling, so a majority of our video will be dedicated to that.  We set a deadline to have our scripts done by April 8th, exchange them over the weekend for editing, and meet again on Monday to discuss and start working on the movie.  We are going to use the recorder that is available for checkout at the DMC for the music and voice over, Jane showed us how to use the recorder.

As for the immediate “next step” Kat decided that we set up a Dropbox account so we can share any research we find with our group. Drobox account done. My plan is to start researching Dowling and the Battle of Sabine Pass in the library and the resources we have already acquired from our class. Kat recommended that I use Edward Cotham’s book, “Sabine Pass: The Confederacy’s Thermopylae.  The clock is ticking!

All in all, we had a very productive meeting and we are all excited about the final product of our movie!

3 Responses to “Movie Project”

  1. Kat Skilton says:

    Hey Adam,

    Great post. I look forward to seeing your final product on Dowling’s Life. If you look in the dropbox, I shared a PDF that might be somewhat useful to provide a jumping point for you on Dowling himself. The item is titled LSBaGEssay8.pdf and it just provides a short biographical sketch of Dowling presented by Andrew Forest Muir. I don’t remember exactly how this document came to me, so we might have already read it for Hist 246 or I found it somewhere else. Either way it’s something to get started…just be sure to check it against other resources too! Best of luck on the research!


  2. slm2 says:

    Adam–I’m so excited to see what you come up with about Dowling’s life and the battle, since it seemed like those were two things that you were very interested in. I also just wanted to say thanks for you being so flexible when it came to coming onto campus, even though you don’t live on campus. As far as the work goes, just keep me posted and let me know if there is anything I can do to help!

  3. Gaby Lopez says:


    I think the theme that you picked is really exciting and I wish you the best of luck in your research. I think it will be difficult to condense Dowling’s life and the Battle of Sabine Pass into one and a half minutes, but I am sure it will be great. I look forward to reading your script and learning more about this topic.