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A student-led group project from HIST 246

Movie Group Contract


Our group’s main goal is to make a short, five-minute documentary that focuses on the way Dick Dowling has been remembered in Houston. Has been remembered different ways over time—from a Confederate hero to an Irish Houstonian icon to someone who has largely been forgotten, but these memories have not yet been compiled. We plan to show change over time in how Dowling has been remembered, change over time tends to be THE issue that historians discuss (in the ceremonies around the statue, and lack of attention to it at certain moments). Additionally, we hope to explore not just change over time, but also to compare how different groups have influenced the Dowling statue. Time permitting, we may raise the question of the place of the statue in the city today. We want our documentary to be a visual introduction to the archive to give the archive’s visitors a glimpse of everything that’s there. We want to interest the viewer in looking further.


Adam—write a 2 page script that highlights major events in Dowling’s life and the battle of Sabine Pass.
Kat—write a 2 page script that highlights the making and first dedication of the statue.
Gaby—write a 2 page script that discusses what happened between the statue’s initial dedication and the re-dedication in the 1990s.
Stephanie—write a 2 page script that covers the rededication of the statue in 1997.

Stephanie and Adam: Record script
Gaby and Kat: Take live footage of the Dowling Statue

The whole group will work together on compiling the movie itself.

Some other small tasks (like making a writeboard for the script, making dropbox, etc) have been split amongst the group, really depending on who has free time when things need to be done.


(List any online services or software tools you will use, and provide specific information about the accounts that created them and/or where resources you are generating as a group will be located.)
– Drafts of scripts will be posted on Writeboard (see group blog for link and password).
– Final Cut Pro (all editable files will burned on a disk and saved on a server somewhere)
– All image clips and audio clips will be in the Dropbox


Script Rough Drafts—Due Friday April 8
Week of April 11: Compile and edit script
Weekend of April 15-17: Steph and Adam record script, Gaby and Kat go to statue to get footage
Week of April 18: Work together as a group to make a story board
Dead days/Exam week: Make movie (since we want to work together on this part as much as possible, we want to put it off until dead days when people have much more flexible schedules)

Final Movie due May 4.
*other steps and deadlines will be determined at group meeting on April 11

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