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A student-led group project from HIST 246

Movie Group Update

I think that the project is going great. We have all written our scripts and Stephanie has put them all together and published them on the Whiteboard. This way we can share our information with the Podcast group. While researching the different moves of location the statue experienced, I learned about the opinions that different people held about the events. The Irish perspective was the most prominent since people like Larry Miggins were so interested in keeping the statue clean and in celebrating Dowling every St. Patrick’s Day. I was also not aware that the initially the statue was to occupy a more prominent spot in Hermann Park and that it was displaced in favor of Hermann himself.

In the next couple of days Kat and I will be going to the Dowling statue to record it and the cars passing by. I think we want to make the point that so many people pass by the statue daily but no one pays attention to the statue and they don’t know who Dowling was. (Kat- I will be able to do it Friday or Saturday…you can choose.) Adam and Stephanie will start recording this weekend. We want the primary narrator to be a female voice but we want the direct quotes read by Adam. Hopefully this will allow us to move forward with the project and actually start making the video!

Inspired by Kat, I will look over my section of the script once again to make sure that I have included all the information I want. I am looking forward to the finished product and to our adventure to the Dowling statue.

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